Frequently Asked Questions

The questions other people asked, so you don’t have to.

  • For those looking for a more masculine physique (think upper body taper, V-line, and quads that could crush skulls), I recommend starting with my Gladiator program here.

    If you're looking for something a bit more tailored to your body and your needs, sign up for your complimentary consultation to discuss personalized programming here!

    Either way, be sure to follow the movement here to be the first to find out when new programs drop (and trust me... new programs are coming soon).

  • If you're local to San Diego, we'll meet at The Experience Fitness & Mobility Studio and for those outside of San Diego, we'll hop on a virtual call. During our time together, we’ll talk through your goals and how I can help you achieve them, any past or current injuries, your fitness history (what has worked and what hasn’t), your biggest challenges, and your biggest motivators.

    From there, I’ll do the hard work to make it easy for you by crafting a personalized training plan to fit your schedule, your needs, your aspirations, and your body.

    Get your complimentary consultation scheduled here and join the movement!

  • You are not alone! I have trained many clients who had either never stepped foot in a gym or had such a negative previous experience in one that they were hesitant to even look at a piece of workout equipment again.

    As much as I'm here to help you look better, I'm here to help you feel better too. That means giving you confidence - whether it's to try that new machine that you can't quite tell if it's a chest machine or some sort of medieval torture device or breaking down what a Bulgarian split squat is and why it's actually a lot less scary than it sounds.

    All programs come with video demonstrations and in-depth descriptions for each exercise, taking away a lot of the anxiety that can come with gym settings!

  • You'd be AMAZED by the maximal results you can see with minimal equipment. Some of the fittest people I've ever seen and worked with are calisthenics (bodyweight) athletes.

    I have written countless programs for clients without so much as a rusty set of 5-pound dumbbells. All it takes is a little creativity. You'll never look at that set of stairs in your apartment complex the same. It will forever be nature's platform for incline push ups, bodyweight dips, step ups, and countless other exercises.

    Schedule your complimentary consultation so we can figure out a training program that works for YOU!

  • Congratulations on sticking with a program! That's the hardest part for some people so you should be incredibly proud of yourself.

    For others, the hardest part is nutrition (*hand raise*), getting enough sleep, hydrating, or keeping those stress levels down (*double hand raise*).

    Lucky for you, I've spent years eating burnt protein pancakes and installing dozens of meditation apps so you don't have to. Make sure to subscribe to my newsletter and follow my socials to get all the tips and tricks I wish I'd known years ago to keep your healthy lifestyle going outside of the gym.

  • I train out of The Experience Fitness & Mobility Studio nestled in the heart of vibrant Uptown Hillcrest, San Diego.

    Come into the studio for a complimentary consultation where you'll get to explore the facilities and meet some of our inclusive, welcoming community dedicated to helping you reach your goals in a safe space for all.

  • Not necessarily a question, but I do have an answer for you. It just might not be one you want to hear.

    The bad news, big changes take time. I never want to promote unrealistic timelines or unhealthy expectations. Focus less on the big changes you want to see and more on the little changes you WILL feel. You will feel stronger, sleep better, and think clearer - even after a few consistent sessions in the gym.

    The good news, big changes comes from little ones and those little changes deserve just as much celebration. Second day in the gym, even when everything hurt and you felt like you were dying? That is a win. If you go from never stepping foot into the gym to going twice a week, that's 100 times more than you went last year and that is something to celebrate.

    The best news, we've got a community here that is ready to celebrate you and cheer you on every step of the way so that you can see those big changes made out of all the little ones.